Sunday, April 29, 2007

Will leaves for Spain and also this blog temporarily

In late June 2005 I left to study in Spain for four months at a school of language. This was the most educational experience of my life next to college. It provided the opportunity to interact everyday with a multitude of cultures in a casual setting. I made friends from Spain, Iceland, Lichtenstein, Italy, Thailand, Germany, Switzerland, Sweden, Norway, and the list goes on. From political discussion to class study groups to conversations regarding the best beer in town, not only was I learning the Spanish language but about many cultures.

This following is my first email correspondence after leaving the country. This was sent from Dublin, the first stop of my trip. You should note that in the email it mentions that my travels in Spain are documented not in this blog but its own at

further ado, here is that aforementioned email:

Hello all,

First off to clarify, I don't know how the contacts
will appear when you receive this email, but on my
end I have created a listserve called "friends" that
includes most of you and then about 9 straggling email
addresses. So, in case this distinction is apparent
on your end as well, let me clarify to those alienated
that this is because you are my enemies and I will
destroy you. No, it means that you are a new email
address and I have not yet added you to my contacts
and will do so after sending this email.

So, I am off on a trip to
Spain for 3 months. I'm
currently in Ireland for 3
days, then to Scotland for
5 days, then to England for 5 days, and then to

Spain for 3 months.

On previous trips I have updated you on my adventures by clogging
your inbox with rambling emails.I've now decided to start keeping
notes of travels at a blog site so that you can check up on me at your
leisure. Hopefully I'll remember to write in this blog or at least
remember my login and password. Some of you may recall that
Rettberg started a blog about six months ago and gave it some really
intellectual obscure name that I promptly forgot, and I think he did
too, and therefore never checked again.I tried to go with the
straightforward route, however "sexrobot" and "builtlikeatank" were
taken so I had to go with "willatspain":

FYI, "willinspain", was already taken.In fact, I checked
out this guys totally lame blog.Last week he had no entries, just some
fancy opening page with his name saying that he's in
Spain.Feel free
to be a "blog pirate" and write him demanding his domain
name (By the way, I just coined the phrase "blog pirate" so take note
when it sweeps the e-nation).I should also clarify that my blog site
contains nothing other than my name and a brief entry testing that
the blog works; but that's beside the point.


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